

Halliburton promotes education with support from Halliburton, the Halliburton Foundation, and the Halliburton Charitable Foundation. Our aim is to build a talent pipeline and increase interest in STEM careers through the assistance of education efforts focused on STEM, business engagement, and literacy for students from K-12 to higher education. Click here to learn more about how Halliburton supports education.

Elementary STEM
Elementary STEM
Tree planting in Houston, Tx
Tree planting in Houston, Tx


Halliburton sustainability efforts include the preservation of natural resources, environmental endeavors, and participation in cleanup activities. To learn more about Halliburton’s environmental stewardship, click here.

Health & safety 

Halliburton’s commitment to health & safety extends to assistance for disease-related causes, health care outreach, and a variety of other health & safety-related commitments. Click here to learn more about our health & safety community efforts.

Halliburton employees participate in bike race for cancer
Halliburton employees participate in bike race for cancer
Painting a home at Rebuilding Together 2023
Painting a home at Rebuilding Together 2023

Social services

Halliburton works toward the overall wellbeing of communities where we live and work. Employees lead volunteer activities worldwide to impact their community. Click here to learn more about our contributions to social causes.


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