The electric-powered Halliburton eWinch sets the standard in latest generation perforating technology. Controlled from a winch panel located inside our all-electric Tech Command Center frac van or remotely on location, eWinch is the safest winch system in the industry and offers the smallest perforating footprint available when it comes to wireline.
During critical rig-up/rig-down operations, this innovative winch system can be operated with a remote control, enabling personnel to conduct operations safely and more efficiently in full-view of the wireline surface equipment.
The Halliburton Integrated Well Completions (IWC) unit and eWinch are an essential part of our all-electric frac fleet. The remotely operated IWC unit is the only all-electric solution that combines frac and wireline systems under one roof.
The Auto Pumpdown service controls fluid pumps and a wireline unit as a single, fully automated, closed-loop system to maximize plug and perforating performance and efficiency.
An intelligent fracturing ecosystem that enables frac automation, digital operations, and remote connectivity.