
Electric blending performance and reliability 

During intense pumping hours cycled at high rates, the use of conventional blenders often results in frequent equipment maintenance and repair procedures. By delivering unprecedented performance and reliability during these demanding operating conditions, the ZEUSTM fluid management system helps to reduce NPT and improve completion efficiency.

ZEUS™ fluid management system
ZEUS™ fluid management system

ZEUS Fluid Management System

Fewest proppant transfer points in the industry


  • Hammerless connections for reduced HSE exposure
  • Integrated operations center outside of pressure, chemical, and proppant zones
  • Full onsite/offsite remote-control capability
  • Simplified maintenance access
  • Non-radioactive proppant concentration measurements
  • Touchless additive bins
  • Dry friction reducer compatible


In-Basin Observations: Chesapeake Energy Corporation

Daniel Energy Partners sits down with Chesapeake Energy to talk about a recent trip to the Marcellus to visit Halliburton’s electric frac fleet. Listen in as they share key benefits of the electric fleet and stats from their first pad in PA.

Listen Now
The ZEUS system was engineered for high-service-intensity frac operations, pumping higher volumes, rates and pressures, right out of the box
The ZEUS system was engineered for high-service-intensity frac operations, pumping higher volumes, rates and pressures, right out of the box.

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