Turbo Tech II Multi-Activation Bypass Valve - Data Sheet
K-Max Plus™ Service – Case History
North America Land: Life of Well Disposal Solutions - Brochure
VersaFlex Contingency Expansion Tool - Data Sheet
Jetting and Aquamilling - Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Hydra-Jet™ TS downhole perforating tool - Data Sheet
Hydra-Jet TS is an innovative abrasive perforating tool that utilizes specialized jet orifices, to precisely focus a fluid slurry into the flow stream.
Xaminer® Sonic Imager Service - Data Sheet
Data Sheet
WaterWeb® custom chemistry service - Data sheet
The use of unique polymer chemistry facilitates oil-water separation within the reservoir, impeding water flow and enhancing hydrocarbon flow to the wellbore.
JRC Jet Research Center® perforating center of excellence
Jet Research Center conducts perforating system and shaped charge testing that follows recommended guidelines for API RP19B, advanced, and operational testing.
NitroForce® High-Torque, High-Flow Motor - Data Sheet