Halliburton Integrated Cased-Hole Truck- Data Sheet
Case Study
PinPoint re-stimulation using SurgiFrac® stimulation method
SurgiFrac® was selected as the stimulation method to enable targeted placement of treatments, utilizing dynamic diversion to provide pressure isolation.
SureDcon™ S - Data Sheet
Operator Improves Well Intervention Efficiency Using Integrated Barrier Monitoring System
SPECTRUM® 360 - Data Sheet
StimTech Long-Stroke Slick Joint - Data Sheet
Case Study
Underbalanced drilling service minimizes reservoir damage
The GeoBalance™ managed pressure drilling service cuts drilling time in half by drilling into the reservoir without losses, and increased production.
Case Study
Operator maximizes well contact recovering additional section
iCruise® Intelligent Rotary Steerable System places well accurately 98.9% in-zone in a 15,000-foot lateral, ensuring precise drilling and reservoir contact.
Xaminer® Magnetic Resonance (XMR™) Service Tool Data Sheet
Case Study
Operator successfully drills clays with water-based mud
Discover how Halliburton's Bara-Hib™ gold trackable inhibitive system delivered excellent wellbore stability in highly reactive, troublesome clays in Norway.