Incorporating all the tools necessary for conventional and unconventional well completion design, analysis and optimization.
This is more than twice as much as its closest competitor. GOHFER software is also considered to be the most accurate frac modeling software package by almost a 4:1 margin over its closest competition.
With over 30 years of development, the Grid Oriented Hydraulic Fracture Extension Replicator (GOHFER®) software package has proven to be the leading integrated well design and optimization package. Recognized as the chief hydraulic fracture simulator in the industry, GOHFER software computes input from all disciplines of petroleum engineering, including petrophysics, geology, geophysics, drilling, reservoir and completions.
A GOHFER software project integrates all these disciplines, and leads to a coherent and consistent three-dimensional (3D) reservoir and geomechanical model for both unconventional and conventional reservoirs. GOHFER software is the most powerful, comprehensive tool available in the petroleum industry for the design, analysis and optimization of hydraulic fracture and acid fracture stimulation treatments.
Available Courses & Training
Halliburton offers industry training courses on hydraulic fracturing and stimulation of horizontal wells and unconventional reservoirs. With over 35 years of experience and contribution to the development of hydraulic fracture design simulators and fracture diagnostic procedures, Dr. Robert D. Barree provides a unique perspective that is un-paralleled in the industry.
These courses are beneficial for engineers of all disciplines involved in hydraulic fracture stimulation of horizontal oil and gas wells and unconventional reservoir stimulation.
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