
Mature Fields

Specific Challenge

Mature field with heavy/viscous oil


Egypt, Red Sea



  • Mature field with heavy/viscous oil 
  • Offshore with logistic constraints 
  • History of challenging well environments due to heavy oil, scale, deviation, and sour fluids have led to workover objectives not being met in the past for the field


  • Halliburton recommended using the e-SPECTRUMSM unit to perform all services (cleanout, treatment, and logging) 
  • Downhole tension (HTU) was run in all the production logging runs to avoid slacking off and losing/ damaging tools downhole 
  • Real-time data integration by the Halliburton Technical Support team to assure data quality, while closely collaborating with operator on decision making


  • Successfully performed more than 30 well intervention runs, including Reservoir Monitor Tool (RMT™) and production logging tool (PLT) surveillance 
  • Reduced operational cost by 34% 
  • Increased oil production by 30% of the original BOPD


The GS327 oil field is located in the southeastern El-Morgan field, Gulf of Suez (GOS). Almost all area wells are drilled with a high deviation or horizontally. Field production uses artificial lift via a gas lift system. The field has an extended history of unsuccessful intervention operations, although the production logging and pulsed-neutron data were found to be precisely processed to identify zonal phase contribution, water source, and current saturation profiling, respectively, in order to maximize the oilfield production.


The major challenge in GS327 wells is the viscous/ heavy oil accompanied by scale accumulation along the wellbore. Previous well interventions using electric line and slickline all failed to achieve the job objectives. Another challenge was the requirement of a single coiled-tubing unit for well intervention on an offshore operation, with limited deck space for scale cleanout, reservoir surveillance, and perforating.


Halliburton proposed using e-SPECTRUMSM real-time electric coiled-tubing service for the well intervention scale cleanout, surveillance, and perforating work. Through intensive operational planning, Halliburton ran several modeling assessments to assure the proper job planning for deployment, simulating the shockwave effect on the coiled-tubing string, choosing the proper tool selection and downhole tension, and reaching the target depth safely. All production logs would have downhole tension (HTU) run to prevent slacking off and losing/damaging tools downhole. To ensure data quality, real-time data integration would be handled by a Halliburton Technical Support team to aid in swift decision making and collaboration with the customer. 


More than 30 runs were successfully performed, including cleanouts, along with Reservoir Monitor Tool (RMT™) and production logging tool (PLT) surveillance work deployed using a single coiledtubing reel on several wells. The total-added oil production value along the campaign was found to add 30% to the GS327 field’s original produced oil per day (BOPD). By optimizing the runs and deployment, the project was a commercial success and completed for 34% less than the originally planned cost.